Monday 22 April 2019

Calling Time

Firstly, this is not a quitting post. This Easter has been an incredibly affirming experience. I know I am exactly where God wants me to be, and I have a lifetime of ministry ahead of me.

That said, even with pseudonyms I cannot keep this blog anonymous and I am privy to far too much confidential information, about my diocese and about my parishioners. It may be another five months before I have official confirmation of what my future role will be but I am finding myself in a position where I effectively already hold an official role. So this is my one week's warning to my readers, I'm taking the blog offline. I'll reset it and start over posting purely theological and philosophical musings with no discussion of my diocese or the people in it.

I'm still around and you can always e-mail me (have a look at the Who Am I? page), if you want to remain in contact.

Thanks for all the fish!