Who am I?

This blog is the story of a journey with many twists and turns. I felt a call to ministry as a fourteen year old, but at seventeen,  I went to law school instead. When I was twenty-three and an IT professional God came knocking one Maundy Thursday and so began my never-ending adventure. I applied for ordination in my Home Diocese and I was told to come back in two years by the then Assistant Bishop.

Not being one to wait passively I moved back to Home Diocese, got a job as a PA at a Diocese of another denomination, started (and finished) a Masters in Theology, finished my legal accreditation and became a lawyer. I started volunteering at anything and everything in Home Diocese, sat on multiple committees and ran several youth groups. I preached, served every Sunday and worked hard to share the word of God with the world. 

Two years later in 2017 I was accepted into the 2018 Year of Discernment. Six months into it God whispered in my ear and told me to walk away. I was furious with God but accepted this new directive. I withdrew from discernment but continued doing everything else, which was not the cleverest move I ever made. I struggled with my diocese's view on same-sex relationships and across the next three months I spiralled into complete meltdown. I convinced myself God was calling me to be a lawyer and tried to focus on that. In the midst of it all I very publicly came out and ended up walking away from my church entirely.

Yet God was still nudging me, and when I was finally able to work through all my inner chaos I found that I did still have a call to ordination. Except now I was strong enough, emotionally and spiritually, to handle life within the glorious chaotic mess of an Anglican diocese.

As of writing this it is March 2019, I am twenty-seven and I am in the 2019 Year of Discernment. I work as a lawyer for another denomination at Employer Diocese and I still dabble in ministry. I'm training to be a Spiritual Director. My life is and always will be the church. My adventures continue, and who knows where God will lead me next? So please, come along for the ride!

If you wish to get in touch with me you are welcome to email me at this address.

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